Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Loving your Enemies

First off, before I write down what happened tonight, I want to pick on someone first. Lea was supposed to be here tonight for the class, but she ditched me saying she had some much stuff to do. And, she didn't read her homework I saved for her. (I am trying to make her feel guilty for not coming, and I don't know if it is working: Love ya, Lea).

Anyway, onto the subject. Tonight we had a really good discussion on "Loving your Enemies." We talked about MLK sermon he gave in November of 1967 on the subject. You can find it here. I warn you now, it is pretty long. We talked about that for a little bit. It is amazing that he gave the sermon now, and at least, I have come to realize that we aren't doing that now.

I mean, back then, the major subject was race. Now days, we talked about issues like homosexuality, abortion, etc. It seems to me that the church in general still isn't loving your enemies. We talk about change. But, then, nothing seems to happen. Jesus talked about "inclusion." He went out of his way to include the people back that weren't necessary the "right" people to hang out with, I guess. And, now days, the church doesn't like to talk about the same sort of thing. We talk about including everyone, but we can't still to have gay and lesbian pastors in the church. Maybe one day.

I guess that is enough rambling for now, I think. I continue to gain more insight and knowledge about loving your enemies. TTLY!


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