Sunday, April 26, 2009

A new way to prayer....

I know it has been a while. I ran across this at church today. The church leader brought it up after the announcements. He found reading a magazine, a new way to pray to God every day. And, in today's age, why not, right? Here is someone's answer to pray to God when everyone is busy: Information Age Prayer. Here is what they say on their homepage:

About Information Age Prayer

Information Age Prayer is a subscription service utilizing a computer with text-to-speech capability to incant your prayers each day. It gives you the satisfaction of knowing that your prayers will always be said even if you wake up late, or forget.

We use state of the art text to speech synthesizers to voice each prayer at a volume and speed equivalent to typical person praying. Each prayer is voiced individually, with the name of the subscriber displayed on screen.

At Information Age Prayer we think our service should be used like a prayer supplement, to extend and strengthen a subscriber's connection with God. Traditional prayer is an integral part of this connection and should never be forgone, even after signing up.

You can subscribe for yourself, or you can purchase a subscription as a gift to friends or family.

Promotional Rates for New Users, Limited Time Only!
Choose a Religion from the left menu.

On the left side of the screen, you can pick the following religions: Protestant, Catholic, Jewish, Muslim, Unaffiliated, and Other Religions. If I click on Protestant, for a low price of 3.95 a month, a computer with a text to speech voice, will pray the Lord's Prayer to God for me.

I found this pretty funny and ironic. But, in today's age, when everyone is busy, this will probably work. I don't agree with it. One, to today's ecomony, when people can't even put food on the table, foreclosing on their rent payments, etc, but they are still willing to pay a computer to pray for them to God (for a low price of $4 a month.) Oh, well! What will come next!

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